Matcha loves blueberries



2 bananas
1 ripe & soft avocado
1 small coconut cream
a cup of Roko's blueberries
1 squeez of lemon juice
a bit grated tonka (which I love to mix with Roko's blueberries!)
a little honey or agave syrup
15 g matcha tea/powder


a handful of Roko's blueberries
splash of water
sugar or agave syrup


1. Put all the ingredients except blueberries in a blender; avocado, banana, coconut cream, matcha tea/powder. Season it with a few drops of honey or agave syrup, slice of lemon and grated – tonka!

2. Blend all the ingredients. You will get a silky, creamy mixture with gently, sweet and refreshing flavors.

3. Put the mixture into bowls, cups or pots and sprinkle it with a blueberry syrup (made and cooled in the meantime) and place it in a – refrigerator. When the cream is well cooled, serve it with a chit-chat at the sunset.


1. Put all the ingredients in the small pot, gently heat it and slowly reduce it to a syrup consistency over low heat. Turn off the heat and let it cool down.

Recipe by: Jelena Iva Nikolić

Photos by: Sanjin Kaštelan

Nothing would taste the same without them: Roko’s Blueberries

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